Love is…Everyday.

I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.” ~ Mother Theresa

For weeks I have wanted to participate in Northwest Mommy’s Monday Listicles, but for whatever reason the timing was never quite right, and then this week, the topic was “LOVE” and well that’s right up my alley. So today, I shall find the time, make the time and take the time.

I am full of love (GASP!) If you are here, this news shouldn’t totally rock your world, but I love love. Not the “idea of love.” But honest genuine love. The love that fills up your heart, that you experience in moments, that you take with you wherever you go in a feeling, in a smile, in your eyes which are the window to your soul.

To me this is Love:

1. A look: An ordinary day at the beach become extraordinary with just a look.

2. A sound: The song that KSP and I danced to as the first song at our wedding…and so many other special moments.

3. Peaceful: An unexpected and highly unusual moment where E finds peace and sleeps soundly with me. A gift for me.

4. A kiss: Overcome with love for dada, Q leans in for kisses.

5. A bond: Something unspoken that makes you do the same thing at the same time as someone you love…a la the minis in this moment where they mirror one another with they way they grab their legs.

6. A memory: Keeping those we love alive in our thoughts and traditions.

7. An opportunity to learn something new. Tonight as KSP and I giggled and had fun at the Grammys, we took this photo and shortly after as Paul McCartney sang “Golden Slumber,” KSP teared up as he shared with me that he used to play this song all the time when the babies were in the hospital. I did not know and my heart melted.

8. Family. Spending time with those we love and hold dear. Q and E love it when their grandparents and other family, visit and so do we!

9. Everday. These moments in the everyday is where love finds me in small, seemingly small details that are full of love.

10. A look to the future. The road ahead is filled with sunshine but even if it’s not, we will make our own, because we have each other..

And all this love, whether it hurts some days so much that I am not sure where it will take me next, or it fills my heart so full I am sure it will explode, makes each day ‘mynewfavoriteday.’ Any one of these senses above can mean love at any given moment. I hope that you find that today, even if it’s just a moment and that makes today ‘yournewfavoriteday.’ What does love mean to you?

Linking up today on Monday Listicles with Northwest Mommy.

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27 thoughts on “Love is…Everyday.

    1. Thanks Jen! I love that one too…they do these crazy things at the same time that you might miss if you weren’t focused, but it’s the coolest when you catch them. Happy Valentine’s Day to you! It’s wonderful to find love in little things everyday. Thanks for coming by!

  1. Yes to all! The photo of you all on the beach is so lovely. What a happy bunch you all are. That Oasis song is one of my hubby’s favorite too! It is great to have you with us, Happy Valentine’s day!

  2. I think this post is quite wonderful. Love is where we find it – and what we make of what we find around us. And it *should* be everyday, instead of dressed up and glamorous (although that’s nice sometimes too). This post is quite the happy valentine. yay.

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