Merry, Merry from the Wondertwins.

Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.” ~Calvin Coolidge

It’s here, it’s here!

Tomorrow I will plug in the tree lights for good. A fire will burn in the fireplace. Presents are wrapped and hiding in the guest room and KSP will assemble the play kitchen and wagon. My mom will arrive. My MIL will arrive. We head to see Santa, and walk around the amusement park that is the Grove in Los Angeles.  We will play in fake snow and drink hot cocoa.  I will undoubtedly see several more things that my loved ones must have and by them, and I wll play music non-stop.  I will be that annoying person who goes to church on Christmas Eve but not every Sunday, but not because we didn’t want to go, but because, the fear of what might happen in the health risks for E, made it not an option. I will relish the smell of incense and pine and the beautiful dim glow of candlelight.

I will cherish the next few days.  Treasure everything they mean, from past to present.

I will miss my dad, sisters, and niece and nephew. I will miss my best friends who I have known all my life and think of like sisters.  I will send love and hugs to all my friends real and virtual.

I will not miss the spirit of what this season and this day means.  The opportunity for another year, more moments to celebrate and treasure.  The opportunity to progress, grow, learn, become and just be.

Before we go off to celebrate, I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, or Happy Kwanzaa. Whatever it is you celebrate or honor, even if it’s just time with your family and friends, I hope it is a merry time. Full of joy and the notion of stopping to appreciate any of the warm emotions that creep over you and the ability to let go any frustrations that may arise based on the crazy dynamics that sometimes go along with this season as well.

I look forward to beginning the journey of 2012 with all of you here and thank you, thank you, thank you for doing more than I could ever put into words for me, KSP and the Wondertwins in 2011.  You saved me in so so so many ways.  So, merry merry to you all from me, but it’s the Wondertwins who truly thank you for saving their mama, keeping her in tact and reminding her and so many others that we are not alone.

Merry, Merry and Happy New Year Everyone! We ❤ you, E and Q

Love, Shannon

Linking up to LOVELINKS this week so if you are seeing this on Thursday and like this post, please head on over to vote for ‘mynewfavoriteday!’

26 thoughts on “Merry, Merry from the Wondertwins.

  1. This is wonderful! I am so glad you are taking time to enjoy the season, and appreciating the love and warmth of it fully! You are such a beautiful person, and your kindness and love just radiates from you!

    Many good blessings and wishes to you, KSP, and your beautiful Wondertwins! May 2012 be an amazing year for all of you!

    1. Thank you Christine! I hope you, Mister and the kids have a great holiday and that garage gets finished soon:). Thank you for all your sweetness and kindness as I would say you are quite radiant yourself. Merry Christmas and I hope 2012 is full of love, joy and inspiration! Xo

  2. This is wonderful. The paragraph beginning “I will not miss the spirit of what this season and this day means” really sums it all up so perfectly. Thanks so much for this beautiful, reminding post 🙂

  3. Merry Merry to you and yours! the image of fake snow makes me giggle! We could use some of that even here in Ohio this year!

  4. I could feel the excitement and gratitude behind your words. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, one that’s full of memorable moments you can safely tuck in your heart for many years to come!

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